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Allied Health Services

Speech Therapy

At Little Stepping Stones, Speech Therapy focuses on developing your child’s communicative skills, including improving speech clarity and fluency, using language to express themselves, and prompting play skills with others. We also offer feeding therapy that aims to improve oral motor skills and swallowing abilities.


Your child may benefit from Speech Therapy if they have:
-    unclear speech 

-    Challenges forming phrases and sentences
-    Challenges with eating and chewing
-    Challenges with interacting and playing with peers 
-    Reading difficulties and spelling difficulties 


Occupational Therapy

At Little Stepping Stones, Occupational Therapy focuses on increasing your child’s participation and independence in activities of daily living (e.g., eating, toileting, dressing, playing and learning). It also involves developing sensory processing abilities, fine motor and gross motor skills, and executive functioning skills.


Your child may benefit from Occupational Therapy if they have:
-    Challenges with fine and gross motor skills e.g., handwriting, coordination, body strength and balancing
-    Challenges with sensory processing skills that affect their organisation, self-regulation and behaviours
-    Challenges with playing and socialising with peers


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